The conditioned Brahman part 2

3rd July 2020

In the third paragraph Nikhilananda starts to discuss various aspects of ‘the conditioned Brahman or Brahman with attributes.  Brahman in this state has a name; ‘Isvara’ (the Lord).  In this state Brahman has the same attributes as given to YHWH in the Old Testament; For example, he keeps everything in its place such as moon, stars, the whole of the universe. He keeps time in its place seasons etc.


He then says that there are two conditions to this Brahman;

1.           1.    'He controls the physical and moral laws of creation and maintains all things in the        proper place…’(pg21).

2.     ‘He guides the activities of all creature s. He dwells within them but is distinct from them; though He is unknown to the creatures, yet He rules from within…’


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