Heresy of the Miriamists

28th July 2020

So, from looking at the evidence, the Koran is correct in the formulation that there was a heretical religious group that claimed to be Christians and they did make Mary out to be a god.  The problem here is that this was localized and did not actually speak about the universal Trinitarian point of view.  Even so looking at verse 116 in the Koran God is asking a question.  It is the ulema that have given this interpretation of the Trinity.


I did some research and these wiki’s page is helpful;


This is the end of our excursion into The Trinity.  We have looked at one germ root for the Trinity in St Paul.  We also looked at the Koran (In English)

We learned that;

1.     There were people in the Middle East that worshiped Mary as a goddess

2.     The Islamic response was to question this worship.

3.     The Koran doesn’t claim 100% that this is the Trinity

4.     The Ulema (Muslim scholars) need to revisit these verses and be honest about them.

5.     The Holy Trinity as taught universally is not this so-called trinity mentioned in the Quran.


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