An introductory start to Barths Hiddenness of God.

5th July 2020

This was just a basic outline of Brahman, but we can work with it.   These aspects of God are found within the writings of the Upanishads.   As I said earlier, I only wanted to focus on the pure aspect of God and whether or not he can be known.  Now we will move on to Barth’s Hiddenness of God in CD 2, pages 179 - 204 on the Doctrine of God.  When looking at this I am not interested so much in the Western Liberal philosophies.  The Bible is not a philosophy, it hold the keys of the revelation of God.  The life of Jesus happened in real historical time.  God became a man and through his life and actions by the Holy Spirit, by faith it is possible to have eternal life. 

 I am only interested in what God says about Himself and what can be said about God.  God is not referred to as ‘It’, God is Personal.  Let us begin


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