An overview of the genealogies of Christ though the eyes of Matthew the entrepreneur and Luke the white collared professional

Have you ever thought about your own family background and where your roots are found? In today’s world this is big business and with the advent of DNA testing one can find out even more. We all want to know where we are from as it helps us to build a picture of our identity and where we belong. Sometimes when we read the news either from the papers or online it is sometimes the only good news we can find. However, DNA may also bring one bad news, perhaps one is related to a despot such as Hitler, Mussolini or even Ceausescu and Stalin. Perhaps sometimes it is better to keeps one’s ancestry at a safe distance. Herod for example was half Edomite and he wanted to hide this from Judaism of the time so he destroyed the archives in which his ancestry could be found. In Judaism genealogies are very important as they can show in the Old Testament if one is fit to be a priest or not or to be considered Jewish. So then today we are going to ask the question...