Teleology and the reason for the Existence of God; A reflection from Bavincks Reformed Dogmatics.

Bavinck on the Teleological Argument Objections to the teleological argument Bavinck saw that there were scholars who denied the teleological grounds and purpose of creation: “First of all, materialism asserts that there is no purpose in things, and the teleological interpretation of nature must give way to the mechanical one. Pantheism, moreover, affirms that the presence of order and purpose in the universe gives us absolutely no warrant to posit the existence of a conscious, intelligent cause since, both in the case of the individual human and that of the world as a whole, the unconscious functions with more wisdom and certainty than conscious reflection and deliberate calculation. Finally, Kant raised the objection that this argument at most leads to a world-shaper not to a World creator” (pages 82 to 83) Bavinck Replies to these objections In this section Bavinck answers the objectors firstly through Jewish Christian writings. After this he will show that ...