
Showing posts with the label 16-02-10

You Have Heard It Said… Matthew 5 21-48

  In this section of the Sermon on the Mount Jesus uses the above saying 5x: “You have heard that the ancients were told, ‘YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.’ Matthew 5:21 From the Cottage “You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY’; Matthew 5:27 “Again, you have heard that the ancients were told, ‘ YOU SHALL NOT MAKE FALSE VOWS, BUT SHALL FULFILL YOUR VOWS TO THE LORD.’ Matthew 5:33 “You have heard that it was said, ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.’ Matthew 5:38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’ Matthew 5:43 The form of the sentences ·         The Formula (You have heard it said) ·         The quotation (from the Law) ·         The commentary This would possibly be the same form that rabbis used when discours...

My first talk

I suppose what I would like to talk about is life, the universe and indicators of meaning. My own theological position is that of the Trinity. I believe that God the Father sent the Son in to the world and by the agency of the Holy Spirit we can be brought into the life of God. In other words I believe in Jesus Christ and I trust him completely and through him with the help of the Holy Spirit will have eternal life. It is open for all.