Tawhid (Unity oneness) or Trinity (Unity, Oneness, shared life, economia)

22nd July 2020

Verse 6b

The next part of the verse is another question though… For Muslims it is considered Shirk for all the wrong reasons.  I will touch on this later but for now let us see the importance of this second part of this verse for our understanding of God;

“…we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.”


First of all, the Trinity is a mystery and St Paul didn’t work out the ramifications of the Trinity, but he certainly spoke and lived it.  The Trinitarian economy is made up of Father the Creator, The Son the redeemer and the Holy Spirit the One Who Sanctifies us.  Three Persons who share the same Divine Life.  The Trinity in His own Union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit = 1 Godhead.   If you want to go deeper have a look at the following wiki;



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