The conditioned Brahman part 1

2nd July 2020


The Conditioned Brahman

When Swami Nikhilananda finishes explaining the Unconditioned Brahman, he moves onto the Conditioned Brahman on page 20.  When we move from unconditioned to conditioned there is a movement in the personal pronouns of ‘It’ to ‘He’.  In this conditioned state Brahman is always ready to listen to prayers.  In this state He is YHWH, Allah, Isvara by whom the universe has been created.  Let us find out what, who the ‘Conditioned Brahman’ is.

“Creation, preservation and destruction are the activities of the Conditioned Brahman, or the Personal God, which can never affect his transcendental nature…”(pg20).   Brahman remains Brahman the sea and the wave are the same. 


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