The Unconditioned Brahman part 1

29th June 2020

Nikhinanda then has two sections on Brahman; the Unconditioned Brahman and the Conditioned Brahman. 

The Unconditioned Brahman

The Unconditioned Brahman uses apophatic theology (Negative theology speaking of what Brahman/ God is not) page 14 onwards.


The attributeless Brahman … is described as “Not that which is conscious of the external (objective)world nor that which is conscious of the internal (subjective) world, nor that which is conscious of both nor that which is a mass sentiency, nor that which is sentient…”. Then Nikhilananda goes on with all of the negatives; “… It is unperceived [by any sense organ], unrelated [to anything], incomprehensible [to the mind], inferable, unthinkable, indescribable…”


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