John Owen on Romans chapter 1 verses 19 to 20
John Owen
His Christology
2. There is a peculiar ground of the spiritual efficacy of this
representation of God. The revelations that he has made of himself,
and of the glorious properties of his nature, in the works of
creation and providence, are, in themselves, clear, plain, and
manifest: Psalm 19: 1, 2; Romans 1:19, 20. Those which are made
in Christ are sublime and mysterious. Howbeit, the knowledge we
have of him as he is represented unto us in Christ is far more clear,
certain, steady, effectual and operative, than any we can attain in
and by all other ways of revelation. The reason hereof is, not only
because there is a more full and extensive revelation made of God,
his counsels and his will, in Christ and the gospel, than in all the
works of creation and providence; but because this revelation and
representation of God is received by faith alone, the other by
reason only: and it is faith that is the principle of spiritual light and
life in us. What is received thereby is operative and effectual, unto
all the ends of the life of God. For we live by faith here, as we shall
by sight hereafter. Reason alone — especially as it is corrupted and
depraved — can discern no glory in the representation of God by
Christ; yes, all that is spoken thereof, or declared in the Gospel, is
foolishness unto it. Hence many live in a profession of the faith of
the letter of the Gospel, yet — having no light, guide, nor conduct,
but that of reason — they do not, they cannot, really behold the
glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ; nor has the revelation of it
any efficacy upon their souls. The manifestation of him in the light
of nature, by the works of creation and providence, is suited unto
their reason, and does affect it: for that [manifestation] which is
made in Christ, they say of it, as the Israelites did of manna, that
came down from heaven, “What is it?” we know not the meaning
of it. For it is made unto faith alone, and all men have not faith.
And where God shines into the heart, by that faith which is of
divine operation — there, with “open face, we behold the glory of
God, as in a glass;” or have the knowledge of the glory of God in
the face of Jesus Christ. There is not the meanest believer, but —
in the real exercise of faith in Christ has more glorious
apprehensions of God, his wisdom, goodness, and grace, of all his
glorious excellencies, than the most learned and wise in the world
can attain unto, in the exercise of reason on the proper objects of it.
So are these things opposed by the apostle, 1 Corinthians 1.
Wherefore, faith in Christ is the only means of the true knowledge
of God; and the discoveries which are made of him and his
excellencies thereby are those stone which are effectual to conform
us unto his image and likeness. And this is the reason why some
men are so little affected with the Gospel — notwithstanding the
continual preaching of it unto them, and their outward profession
of it. It does not inwardly affect them, it produceth no blessed
effects in them. Some sense they have of the power of God in the
works of creation and providence, in his rule and government, and
in the workings of natural conscience. Beyond these, they have no
real sense of him. The reason is, because they have not faith —
whereby alone the representation that is made of God in Christ,
and declared in the gospel, is made effectual unto the souls of men.
John Owen Christologia chapter 2 page 101
He was also padre to Cromwell in charge of the roundheads in the English Civil War.
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