Karl Barth on revelation 1

Karl Barth Part 1



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It ought not to surprise us that Karl Barth would with his theology find the Liberalism prevalent at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th century and into the middle of the 20th century lacking God.  Why do I say this? I think history attests to two world wars with atrocities done to many nations. 3% of the world population died.  Check it on a Wiki…

Harnack, although he was a top scholar of his day and his work is still useful, he and the school that he belonged to walked away from the path that puts God at the centre.  Theology became Man-centric this allowed a new meta-narrative to be written with the ‘Pure race’.  The demonising of other cultures such as on a big scale (attempted genocide) Judaism but also homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, Gypsies, political prisoners.  From Barth’s point of view the German national Church gave in to the idealisms of the Nazis… In other words, the Theology of the 19th Century must have gone down the wrong road for this to happen.  Karl Barth’s The Humanity of God is well worth reading, that is if you can get a copy.  With this background Barth and those of the Confessing Church heard this clarion call and the sinking boat needed to be turned around.  It was people like Karl Barth that helped to change the direction of Western culture.  Let us not forget that our freedoms in the West should not be taken for granted.  Even though I don’t always like secularism for certain reasons, it could be a lot worse.

Barth’s Commentary on Romans basically ripped this old liberalism in two. Barth’s concept of revelation is very sharp… It had to be sharp to redress this balance.  This version of the Romans Commentary is a revised one in English.  The 1918 version is said to have been even sharper.


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