Karl Barth on revelation 5

Barth Continues … 5

People don’t like the theme of ‘The invisibility of  God’



The situation might, therefore, have been very different. able through a simple observation of the incomprehensibility, the imperfection, the triviality of human life, was not taken advantage of. The invisibility of God seems to us less tolerable than the questionable visibility of what we like to call ‘God. We make of the eternal and ultimate presupposition of the Creator a thing in itself” above and in the midst of other things, of that which is living and abstracted from all concreteness a

concrete thing—no doubt the highest—in the midst of other concrete things, of the Spirit a spirit, of what is inaccessible and therefore so nigh at hand an endlessly uncertain object of our experiences.


Rather than see in His Light—eternal and which no man can approach unto—the Light, we allow Him to become a light—no doubt the most brilliant and, indeed, immaterial and supernatural—at which we kindle our own lights and then, quite consistently, seek to find in concrete things their own light. If, then, God is to us no longer the Unknown, what has become of the glory we owe Him? 1f God

Is to us no longer what we Are not, what has become of he

thanks which are due to Him?  The revolt of Prometheus is

Wholly Justified when once Zeus-—the “No-God has been

exalted to the throne of God.


"And so the light has become in us darkness, and the wrath of God inevitable- They became vain In there reasoning’s, and their senseless heart was darkened, The barrier is now indeed a barrier, and the’ No" of God now indeed negation.



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