Karl Barth on revelation 6

Barth Continues  6


Our lives can only be truly fulfilled through our relationship with God

Bereft of Understanding and If to themselves, men are at the mercy of the dominion of the meaningless powers of the world for our life in this word has meaning only in relation to the true God.  But this relation can be re-stablished only through the clearly seen memory of eternity breaking in upon our minds and hearts.

There is no other relation to God save that which appears upon the road which Job travelled. If this breaking in does not occur, our thought remains merely empty, formal, critical and unproductive, incapable of mastering the rich world of appearance and of apprehending each particular thing in the context of the whole.


Unbroken thought hereby divests itself of any true relation to the concrete world, and, Contrariwise, the unbroken heart, that is to say, that sensitiveness to things which is guarded by no final insight, divests itself of the control of thought. Dark, bind. uncritical, capricious mankind becomes a thing in itself.


Heartless, perceiving without observing and therefore empty, is our thought: thoughtless observing without perceiving and therefore blind, is our heart. Fugitive is the soul in this world and soulless is the world, when men do not find themselves within the sphere of the knowledge of the unknown God when they avoid the true God in whom they and the world must lose themselves in order that

both may find themselves again.

 This the Cause of the Night in which we are wandering this is also the Cause of the Wrath of God which has been manifested over our heads.





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