The Holy Spirit is personally present in a sense in which Jesus is personally absent.



7 But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. John 16:7

Yes, Jesus was taken up to heaven and one day He will come back. Who will take care of us while he is gone? The Third Person of the Trinity takes care of us and looks after us while Jesus is gone.  He teaches us, comforts and keeps us safe.  Even in the face of death, the second death has no control over us. No one wants to die an unnatural death, but it happens. When Nero’s gardens were lit up at night time with those burning martyrs, in no way were they helpless victims. The Holy Spirit was with the believers on those gruesome nights.  The second death has no power overs these believers, the same cannot be said for bloodthirsty Nero as they will face the eternal fire and ever conscious torment of total separation from their Creator.  Even though Jesus has gone to heaven he still The Son and the Father are watching us by the Holy Spirit. We have the hope that one day he will return for us.


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