September 26 09 2020 Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) Atelier Prinses (Amsterdam) - http://proxy.handle.net/10648/6a24ebd0-1ad9-102f-a76c-003048944028 (I took this photo from Wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Bavinck#/media/File:HermanBavinckBig.jpg ) We have considered the Holy Trinity in the work of Edward Henry Bickersteth and we proved that there are three persons in the Holy Trinity. Anyhow I want to move on now to a new project and it may be that my posts might be once or twice a week as I will be reading volume one of Herman Bavincks reformed ethics. I am so glad that these manuscripts were discovered and for a Religious Studies teacher it gives a wholistic picture to us. Karl Barth was not able to do this thoroughly although I think he wanted to. In Dogmatic theology God is talking to us. Where is the reciprocity without falling into some heresy? Herman Bavinck obviously gives us a road map into th...