The future...

(Jos sina puhut suomen kieli.  Mä laittoin google translatissa )
(Eğer Türkçe konuşabilirsin Google translate koydum sağda.)

Yes, I brought this blog back from the dead... I think this blog will be when I get an idea that I feel is important...  At the moment my other blog is about 1 corinthians... I made a set of videos about Corinth and I will be commenting on Corinth every day for the forceable future from the word press blog

I have also been thinking about the Coronavirus and the effect of this plague is truly horrifying.  So many people have died or have loved ones in hospital...  I have been silent because no words can comfort those who have sufered and are suffering with this modern plague...  I don't understand but we can pray and follow the WHO's advice.  I pray that good will win in the end.  What lessons
are we learning in this.
The world is interconnected.
One bug can kill millions.
Money cannot be the driving force but love... The NHS should never have been allowed to get into dire straits.
Foreigners in the UK should have been treated with more respect.
You can have nationalism (love of country) but never let it become racist or be in the
driving seat of politics.

A book I read recently from a Jewish perspective makes some fine points if you are a minority.
the book was "How to fight racism and anti-semitism". Bari Weiss spoke of a three headed dragon that of the far right, far left and radical Islam.

I'm not Jewish but we really do need to understand what love of neighbour is... Yes Israel has made mistakes but name me a country that has clean hands...

I hope and pray that as nations we start or appreciate other nations and the good they have.  I suppose nations are like people.  They have good points and bad points.


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