God and Revelation

God and Revelation
As has been said, this paper takes the existence of God as a given. So whether or not people choose to believe in a deity, it does not alter the 'fact'. But at the same time this is not an absolutist position that will not listen to reason. On the contrary, Gunton has done much needed work in the realm of reason and revelation and out of the fruit of his work he raised a point in a footnote; 'There can thus take shape a claim for the truth and distinctiveness of Christianity which is also truly open to conversation with other cultures and religions' (Gunton- 1996 page212The One The Three and the Many). There can thus take place an important dialogue that seeks to understand. The world tends to show the opposite. Such as the Taliban that force women to cover even their faces or the shooting dead of doctors that practice abortion. Perhaps contrary to common religious thinking, 'there is common ground even with special revelation'.  But at the same time the integrity of the religious tradition should always stand. Hence I am against any 'mixing' of religious categories although at points there is a strong possibility of 'overlap'.


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