Christian epistemology and other Theological epistemologies. Critical discussions..
I started writing this a few years ago and then I put it on the backburner. Now however I want to start sharing theological thoughts that interest me. Originally the title was
epistemology and Islamic epistemology. critical discussion.'
Hold on a minute... The Gospel is supposed to be public knowledge that is open to all, no matter what religious background they have. Over recent years I have got interested in the writings of Rabbi Sacks... He has an amazing intellect and I think we can all learn a thing or two from him. After all the Old Testament, Tevrat, Zebur, The Torah . התורה
We share this... or shall I say we all agree that these are Holy Scripture given to us from God. God is far bigger than we are yet He takes an interest in our puny lives or are they puny?
Dogmatic theology of religions is concerned with a dialogue
that takes place with Christianity and Islam in a pluralist world. The usual
starting point for the pluralist is the position of doubt. This paper is
concerned with the reverse; Faith seeking understanding. It is assenting to the
fact that although the West may have a strong tradition of 'neutrality' (no
position as such exists!), there is also a strong position of 'faith' (a belief
that there is a greater force controlling/guiding our destinies). Although the
Marxist position calls this in our world 'a crutch', religion has the opposite
view. That without the all merciful and all compassionate God we are on
But whether we are Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Marxists
or whatever ‘ists’ we are; we share the same the world, breathe the same air
and we are neighbours in this global village. Using scientific principles, we
try to delve into the cosmos. On another level we say this is right and that is
wrong. Even on another aesthetic level we call one object beautiful and another
object ugly. Using this common ground that is open to all cultures we desire to
learn more. This paper seeks to interrogate two of the world’s great religions
into answer that all human persons ask: What is the reason for my being? In due
course this question will be answered but before we start on our quest
something needs to be said about the method that we are going to use. As you
are aware the decision has been made to call this a 'Dogmatic Theology of
Religions' rather than calling it a 'Systematic Theology of Religions'. The
answer to this question at the moment is easy;
Where this questioning is going to lead 'I don't know!' When
a scientist is interrogating his object he never knows when the breakthrough
will come but eventually it comes! So in that sense this is the same situation.
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