Other sayings of Irenaeus from Romans 1

You also look at these verses I found in;

without the law, has the righteousness of God been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; for the just shall live by faith."[547]

And as the wrath of God did then descend upon the unrighteous, here also does the apostle likewise say: "For the wrath of God shall be revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of those men who hold back the truth in unrighteousness."[398]

For he judges the Gentiles, "who serve the creature more than the Creator,"[457]

Romans 1:21 (AH; 4.33.1);
I’m not so sure about this reference.
Romans 1:25 (AH; 2.9.2);
Romans 1:28 (AH; 4.29.1);


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