
Easter Special

  These events happened before the destruction of the second Temple by the Romans.   Up to this point, Jesus had been preaching for about three years.   Jesus’ popularity grew over this time and there were many who were jealous of this.   This would be the last time that Jesus would visit Jerusalem.   The next time will be at his Second coming.   These narratives found at the end of the Gospels are referred to as the Passion narratives.   They are central to the Christian message.    Easter is about New Life and the Hope of the Resurrection   By reading the Apostolic Writings of the New Testament in general they all point to these events.   Before Jesus was actually captured, he told his disciple that he would be crucified: “You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man is to be handed over for crucifixion.” Matthew 26:2” It doesn’t surprise me that a lot of the leaders wanted Jesus dead because he ...

The Cosmological argument is indeed an argument for a First Cause, but it explains nothing of the Divine Love Story.

  The Cosmological argument is indeed an argument for a First Cause, but it explains nothing of the Divine Love Story.   Plato and Aristotle having a chat (The image was taken from The world of science runs on cause-and-effect discoveries and for that reason the Cosmological argument of Aristotle will always be seen as a proof for the existence of God.   Talking about cause-and-effect scientists while crunching numbers have made a great discovery with a semi atomic particle known as the w boson: “The CDF scientists said they had determined the W boson’s mass with a precision of 0.01% – twice as precise as previous efforts. They compared it to measuring the weight of a 350kg (800 pound) gorilla to within 40 grams (1.5 ounces). They found it was different than the standard model’s prediction by seven standard deviations, which are also called sigma.   Cliff said that if y...