We lost our way and since the Fall in relation to God we have lost our free will. God did not give up on the human race rather through Christ there is a way out of this malais.
So, on page 82 we have seen a change of condition and now we found ourselves separated from God. Bavinck raises the question of whether or not this condition is permanent and whether or not we as humans have the power to change our human condition in relation to God. This is a very important question because if it is permanent then we would be separated from God for all eternity. In this situation according to Bavincks interpretation of Pelagius the heretic we are of our own accord able to change our condition. For Pelagius ‘sin only has power because of habit’. So, all you have to do is break the habit of sin. Bavinck then proves from the Scriptures that this is completely impossible. As Bavinck says, “The will has lost its real, material freedom”. This is the traditional and right view for me as well. I know for example that Martin Luther in a huge disagreement with Erasmus wrote the Bondage of the Will that the ...