When God began creating...

When we look at our own life, our beginnings can influence what our end can also be. We all ask questions of where we have come from and where we are going. Although these can be scientific questions, they can also be existential, moral, and spiritual questions. I found Rabbi Sacks really important on my understanding of Genesis one and two. Some of the reflections I came to were heavily influenced by his thinking. In Genesis one and two we can already see God’s love for his creation. The way rabbi Sacks brought this out in his Covenant and conversation from my point of view is fantastic. I really enjoyed reading it because it is not dry such as the higher criticism of J, E , and P… and taking the razor to the text that ought not to have ever have been done. Taken from wikipedia I am also aware of the ancients who also attempted to interpret Genesis allegorically, philosophically, scientifically. These ways I just mentioned are ways that J...