The Heroic women of Jesus’ Ancestry

In the ancestry of Jesus, we find some really interesting women of faith: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary the mother of our Lord One will notice that in a conventional genealogy we have such and ‘such begat’ or ‘the father of’... In Matthews genealogy there is a twist and the reason there is a twist is that sometimes God works in unconventional ways. All these women have a story to tell, and they all faced some type of persecution in their lives. taken from wikipedia; the address is at the bottom of this blog Tamar and Judah Tamar was married to one of Judah’s sons and he died. According to the law (levir practice) she was to have a surrogate husband. She got a surrogate husband, but he wasted his seed on the ground so that she wouldn’t get pregnant. God judged him and he died. Judah decided that Tamar was not going to get the youngest son but lied to her… that when he grew up, he would perform by making her pre...