
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Golden Rule as a reflection for Asking and Seeking from God

  We have already seen how our Lord wants us to pray in the Our Father: ·          Adoration; We give God the glory that belongs to him (Our Creator, the One who gave us life and redeems us and keeps us) ·          Confession; We confess that he is God, The Most Holy et al. ·          Thanksgiving; We continually thank God for all good things come from Him ·          Supplication; We make our requests to a Holy God through Christ. The above is just some things about the prayer.   The prayer also has at the end about forgiving others. The verses below I think are some of the most misinterpreted verses in certain churches that push wealth as important (on a pedestal).   That is a complete misfit of what the text is about.      The picture I used this Week for the blog was taken from: Elijah_in_the_Desert – Google_Art_Project.jpg/640px-Washington_Allston – Elijah_in_the_Desert -_Google_Art_Project.jpg Let

The Judge who was Judged In our place; Main emphasis on judgementalism and Matthew 7 verses 1-6

This Week we have two English Theologians namely Colin Gunton commenting on Karl Barth (my tutor in the final year at King’s College London and William Tyndale who was martyred for his faith (16 th Century)  William Tyndale(from wikipedia)   We sometimes take our freedoms for granted.   William Tyndale (the Martyr) reminds us that some freedoms such as reading Scripture is worth dying for.   At the end of this blog, I give his view on Matthew 7 verses 1-6.    Later on, we will also be looking at Matthew 7:1-6 and we will be considering what our Lord Jesus said about judging others (especially within the Christian community.) What is judgment? There are many definitions in the English language: ‘The ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion’ (From; Actually, there are many definitions for judging and this one was the second meani