The Teleological Argument (A basic introduction) Part 1

As you saw in the last blog I talked about the death of our beloved Leo (Our pet rabbit). This Week we are moving on to Bavincks arguments about the existence of God. This blog is a primer on the teleological argument and later we will follow this through with what Bavinck the Master Theologian has to say about it. a picture I took a while ago First of all, Scripture begins by taking the existence of God for granted. As a hard and fast Monotheist and Trinitarian believer I do not need any proofs because we have a living covenantal relationship with God. These arguments are for people who doubt the existence of God. Having said that the visible part of the Church (in the here and now) converses within a public domain. Universities need proofs for everything based on argument. We cannot escape this. These arguments are also useful for those who are on the edge of believing or doubting about the existenc...