A theological reflection on the steps to being born again (from above) Part 1.

Part one is all about thinking about the issues of salvation and eternal life and where we stand. In the second part we are going to look at how Herman Bavinck explains the steps towards being born again. Nowadays the term ‘born again’ gets thrown all over the place and it has lost its meaning in modern culture. We forget about sin and the broken relationship with God. For some people being born again is a lifestyle choice and there is no conviction of what sin actually is. In some churches sin is probably not even mentioned because it causes offence. This is the whole point. A patient has every right to know what the cause of the ailment is. It is the same with spiritual truths. Let us bite the bullet and look deeper into the social ills of our soul in the direction to finding the perfect cure. I took this one evening when I went for a local walk. “16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten S...