The Three Objective causes of the spiritual life. Part 1

29 10 2021 The Three Objective causes of the spiritual life. Part 1 This is the sun rising. Let us always see our cup half full. So, Facebook has decided to change its name to meta (sounds like ‘dead’ (feminine form) in Hebrew. מתה ) Anyhow people will go into this digital universe wearing these goggles and living their virtual world. A lot of people are not interested in the spiritual, but the fact is they practice it every day even without realizing it. We all have a spiritual life something that cannot be touched, and it is not tangible in the everyday sense, but it does exist. We see glimpses of the spiritual life in everyone we meet. A smile can tell you that a person is feeling good inside. When a person has a sad experience, they may shed tears. Everyone is different but we cannot escape spirituality not even the atheist or the scientist although they may interpret spirituality in a way that I would...