The Image of God, the Fall and the way back home from the far country

We have spent a few weeks looking at the Fall and how people are not in their own power able to rebuild their relationship with God. Before the fall it was beautiful and after the fall darkness fell on to the human race and onto creation. In the grand scheme of things God became a man in the Person of Jesus Christ. Being more specific; the God-Man Jesus Christ came into the world and opened the way of salvation for us. It was a very high price to pay but God paid this price through the atonement. He paid the price, the propitiation for our sins. Although God is a God of love this cannot be decoupled from his justice. Christians talk about a ‘Holy God.’ According to the Genesis story humanity rebelled against God thus judgement needed to be meted out. The death of Jesus Christ was the means used to turn away the wrath of God from us and by faith in Christ we can have eternal life. Jesus Christ our Lord took the comp...