Walking through the blackest death and the horrors of sin and the unimaginable broken relationship with God; Ethics Chapter 2 Herman Bavinck

We now consider our odyssey into the dark waters of the fall. In the first chapter we saw that humanity through Adam and Eve were created perfect which goes in the opposite direction to a lot of philosophies. The main question is; What went wrong? Concerning Eve on page 80 Bavinck starts to look at how Eve was influenced to sin. Her consciousness was manipulated by the Serpent allowing her to take on board a delusion. Bavinck says that she saw herself becoming ‘other’; through pride she denied the consequences of sin ‘that she wouldn’t die’; She denied the sin itself by thinking ‘her eyes would be opened’; she would ‘become like God’; With pride she turned to the tree and wanted the ‘wisdom’ that comes with eating the fruit. So then for Bavinck in a moment Eve falls into sin (last paragraph page 80). This is a real deep sentence from the Master theologian; “ We see then that sin gains entrance through the...