The Golden Rule and the Failure to reach its standards; A downward slope to self-destruction; Is there any hope for the individual, the world and Mankind in general?

taken from; Before I continue with Bavinck, I want to say something very simple. God is pure love and He wants us to love our neighbour. We are in fact commanded to love our neighbour. This is not something only found in the Christian religion. It is found in every major religion on planet earth and it is known as the Golden Rule; 12 “In everything, therefore, [ a ] treat people the same way you want [ b ] them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7 12 NASB Sometimes you will hear it as ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Here are two places I found on the internet! This Wiki looks at a lot of religions on the Golden rule; Or if you want it just as a list of sayings try this from the Norman Rockwell Museum; https://w...